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Dermeface FX7: Really Erases Scars or Just another Ineffective Expensive Product


I found SkinCeption Dermeface FX7 while looking for something to help me erase a bad decision I made while on vacation last year. I visited Greece and jumped off a cliff into the water only to realize that I had not centered myself in the deep area and nearly broke both my kneecaps as they ripped apart on the rocks. Now, a year later, I am left with large scars on my knees which I didn’t realize how horrid they really are until this summer when everyone’s eyes were always on them questioning what has happened to me. Initially when I hurt myself and everyone kept talking about the scars it would leave I thought, oh what a great conversation starter, I don’t mind scars. Unfortunately, they weren’t as interesting and as unnoticeable as I thought.

I have tried over the counter creams and natural remedies I read about online but none have worked so far so I decided to look for something stronger. This definitely looks like a great options.

What SkinCeption Dermefface FX7 Promises

This is a scientifically advanced formula with clinically proven ingredients including moisturizers and antioxidants. They are all proven to help minimize and fade scars. There is no need for surgery or steroid injections, simply apply the cream. This is a non-greasy cream that absorbs quickly and when applied 2 times a day you will start seeing results in four weeks, though these will only be the beginning of the results and depending on your scars you will need to continue using the product longer to completely minimize them.

The product is suitable for all kinds of scars including ones from burns, chicken pox, acne, injuries, as well as operations. It takes approximately up to 2 years for a scar to remodel depending on its depth and size. So, even when your injury has healed and a scar is visible your body is still busy below the surface remodeling the skin. The product contains not only 7 proven active ingredients but also 10 antioxidants and 5 moisturizers which all combine to work on every layer of the skin in order to help reduce the appearance of the scar. They help fast-track the healing process during the final phase of skin remodeling and pushing the scarred cells to the skin’s surface so they can be sloughed away. It also helps increase production of new unscarred cells to replace the damaged ones. Over time the redness and discoloration of the scars fade and they are smoothed and fattened. Usually skin aging around the scar also occurs and this is greatly reduced while flakiness and itching are also diminished with the help of the moisturizers.

You can apply this product either immediately once the wound is healed or even on old scars. Healing is sped up on each level of the skin and promotes the regrowth of healthy skin through increased production of Type I and Type III Collagen. No product is able to actually make a scar disappear fully in 30 days, simply because the skin requires 28 days to regenerate new cells. This is why you may start seeing results after a month of using the product but it is impossible for the scar to fully disappear.

There are two types of scars, those from over-production of collagen resulting in large protruding and discolored scars and those from lack of collagen which tend to be more vulnerable to re-injury. What this product does is normalizes the production of the Type III collagen which heals the skin and Type I collagen which regenerates it.

When to Expect Results with SkinCeption Dermeface FX7

So, they do mention numerous times throughout the website that you will start seeing results in 4 weeks. They do discuss this further later on though. You may see results in 4 weeks but that does not mean that your scar will disappear in that time or that it will have diminished to the point where you are fully satisfied, you will simply see that the process is working. They recommend a 90 day commitment to ensure that you get best results and that the scar is cleared over the multiple skin layers. They recommend:

  • Minor Surface Scars – apply for 3-4 months
  • Deep Scars and Surgery – apply for at least 6 months

Yes, it is a long time and I completely agree that if any other product claims it can remove scars faster or in 30 days for you to look for something else. Scars take up to 2 years to mature fully and settle so it’s perfectly understandable that it will take some time for them to fade as well.

Buying SkinCeption Dermeface FX7

Well, I have to admit, the product is a bit more expensive than I expected. With that said, I think it really could be quite effective though I do wish they had shared the names of the ingredients. With that said, here are the purchase options:

·         6 Month Supply – $199.95

  • +2 FREE SkinCeption Microderm Facial Exfoliators
  • +1 FREE Natural Loofa Exfoliator
  • +1 FREE Natural health Source Card worth $25

·         3 Month Supply – $129.95

  • +1 FREE SkinCeption Microderm Facial Exfoliator
  • +1 FREE Natural Loofa Exfoliator
  • +1 FREE Natural Source Card worth $25

·         1 Month Supply – $59.95

  • +1 Free SkinCeption Microderm Facial Exfoliator
  • +1 FREE Natural Loofa Exfoliator

Shipping for each option is $12.99 for 7-10 days but you also have other options available to receive the order faster.

My Experience with SkinCeption Dermeface FX7

I couldn’t pass this up. This product seems to be too good to be true, the website is quite thorough, and they do have a 90 day money back guarantee. I actually ordered a 3 month supply simply because there is no way for me to see if there are going to be serious results by using it for just one month. If I am not happy after using the product for 3 months I have exactly 90 days to call and request a refund where I can return the 3 empty units and get my money back. I found nothing shady about this promise anywhere in their terms and perhaps this really could work. So far I have been applying SkinCeption Dermeface FX7 for one month and though the scar has not disappeared as I had expected and as they made sure to note, it has started to look different and fade slightly. I will continue my review once I have completed my 3 month package and provide more information on how effective SkinCeption Dermeface FX7 really is.

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