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I have long read about different products like NoZnore but have found nothing that is all too effective or affordable. My husband snores horribly and over the past nearly 10 years I have always tried to fall asleep before him or else it is nearly impossible to fall asleep. Though once I have fallen asleep its such deep sleep that unless it gets real bad I don’t wake up and his snoring doesn’t really bother me, the problem of beating him to the pillow still stands. Usually working late nights I have often pushed, prodded, hit, and awaken him furious after numerous attempts at falling asleep. Since we have and extra room in the apartment I have even considered working something out with him where we sleep in separate rooms so I can get the much needed rest at night.

He as well suffers from his constant snoring. Though it does not wake me up, sometimes when he snores he wakes himself up and numerous times finds it hard to take a breath while he sleeps. I have tried different types of nose clips, teas, and other contraptions in hopes of stopping his snoring. Either they were too uncomfortable to sleep with, ineffective, or I didn’t even order them because either the website was a scam or they were too expensive.

What Causes Snoring?

There are many reasons why people snore and usually it is hard to diagnose. In most cases though it’s when the jaw relaxes while you sleep and thus the lower jaw and the tongue fall back putting a lot of pressure on your airways causing vibration. This vibration is what makes the noise we know as snoring. Though the sounds are relatively harmless (unless you are sleeping next to someone that snores) the actual snoring does reduce the oxygen amount reaching your brain while you sleep making it more tired throughout your waking hours.

Some reasons for snoring are due to deformities in the nasal structures or the septum. If you snore only every once in a while it could also be due to blockage of the nose when you have a cold or due to allergies. Alcohol and medicine could also cause snoring and blockage, while pregnant women have also been known to snore especially in the later stages of their pregnancy.

Possible side-effects of snoring:

  • Poor function and fatigue
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • High cholesterol
  • Critical sleep apnea

Negative effect on your relationship with your significant other

They discuss further in depth how snoring could affect your relationship, but if you have ever slept next to someone that snores I am sure you understand and know the effects quite well.

What is NoZnore?

This is a comfortable option to help you relieve yourself of the stress and misery of snoring and perhaps even save your relationship. Trust me, I know from experience it certainly puts a strain on the relationship. The website claims that it is doctor trusted and much better than other alternatives as it is made of revolutionary silicone material. They claim that the snoring will stop and since it is of soft silicone material you will not experience jaw tension as with other similar products on the market. They guarantee that it will work and it will fit comfortably or else they will return your money within 30 days.

Benefits of Using NoZnore

  • Of course, their list of benefits is impressive and quite long.
  • Stop snoring
  • Improve your relationship with significant other
  • Soft medical grade silicone preventing jaw tension
  • Comfortable fit
  • Money back guarantee
  • Healthier heart
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • More energy
  • Discount on future purchase and products
  • No “boil to bite” like with other products
  • Trusted by doctors
  • Free Shipping (except for trial bottle which is £4.00)

Great benefits, really. Everything is great as long as it works and I have high hopes.

How to Buy NoZnore

Buying NoZnore is very simple but it is only available on the official website. They have several available options and it is a one-time purchase unless you want to go back to the website and order more. No membership programs as with similar products. One thing that was missing in the official website was how long do these products last. How long can you use it until you have to buy a new one? I am guessing they can be used for long periods of time, but if this is the case why would they have options of purchasing 6 of them? Here are the purchase options.

  • 6 Packs – £182.95 + FREE Shipping
  • 3 Packs – £121.95 + FREE Shipping
  • 2 Pack Starter – £121.95 + FREE Shipping (not sure why this is even an option considering a 3 pack is the same price)
  • 1 Pack Trial Protection – £60.95 + £4.00 Shipping – this is the option that is offered with the 30 day money back guarantee.

You can return any of the packs when ordering within 30 days of ordering but they cannot be opened and the seal of the package cannot be broken. The only one you can try and return afterwards is the 1 Pack with the Trial Protection. The prices are a bit high for me though, I have suffered from sleepless nights for nearly 10 years and can continue another 10 years and perhaps it will be less expensive then. If you do decide to return the product make sure you do it within 15 days of calling and requesting a refund or else they will not issue it.

Currently the NoZnore is available only in certain European countries including Denmark, UK, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, and The Netherlands. If your European country is not listed first contact them before ordering to make sure it is available in your area.

Unfortunately this product is a bit too expensive for my taste at the moment but I am sure that sooner than later I will give in and spend £60.95 just to get a good night’s sleep. I think that NoZnore really could be a great option and a savior for many like myself that sleep next to someone that snores.

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